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Adaptaojing endocrine system tonic


Bring inner harmony, peace and balance with the healing power of adaptogens.

Tao, meaning the "way" and Jing, meaning "essence".

Adaptogens are a class of herbs that help bring the whole body into a state of equanimity with its environment by inducing chemical, cellular, and systemic balance. This harmonizing function reduces the effects of unfavorable conditions and stimulates the body's own healing and immune functions. These adaptogenic substances help the body to adapt to various stressful challenges presented by the environment and reduce the damage inflicted on the body. They tend to promote the body’s own ability to cope successfully with stress, thus promoting well being and longevity. This formula is an extraordinary, full spectrum formulation which nurtures all three treasures and provides an abundance of the world’s most potent phytonutrients.

Adaptaojing is an adrenal support formula consisting of Holy Basil leaf, Schisandra Berry, Eleuthero Root, Ashwaghanda Root, *Sarsaparilla Root, Astragalus Root, Nettle Leaf, Gotu Kola Leaf, Organic alcohol and water

All ingredients are 100% organic
*Wild crafted Sarsaparilla Root

Suggested Use: Take 2 Dropperfuls up to 3x daily

**Although I am a certified community herbalist, these statements have not been evaluated by the Drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, cure or treat any disease**

Note: If you are pregnant, nursing or have any medical conditions please consult with your health care professional before use.

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