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Liver/Blood/ Skin Tonic


This is a supreme formula created for cleansing (detoxification),nourishing, and strengthening the tissues of your liver, skin, blood and lymphatic system.

The liver is responsible for more than 500 different functions in the body and is your body’s largest internal organ. One of the liver's primary functions is detoxification and neutralizing toxins. The liver helps filter and detoxify the materials that are not meant to be in our body, and helps to safely neutralize them and remove them from the body.

Unfortunately, the liver can become overloaded if it is stressed, overworked, and exposed to too many toxins, leading to impaired liver function. The side effects of poor liver function are endless and can include high blood pressure/high cholesterol, low energy, poor metabolism, skin issues, and excess weight gain among other ailments. Virtually everything your body digests has to be filtered and metabolized through the liver, so supporting the detoxification and health of your liver is crucial to vitality and long-term health.

The herbs in our Liver/Blood/Skin Tonic have been carefully selected by me(Satori), and are synergistically formulated to create a powerful tonic that detoxifies and regenerates the liver. The liver has the ability to regenerate and rebuild itself completely if fed specific nutrients that feed kupffer (liver) cells in a form the body can absorb.

Key Benefits of Our Liver/Blood/Skin Tonic Include:

Cleanse & Flush the Liver- Through the use of a unique blend of specific clinically-studied herbs like Burdock Root, Yellow Dock Root and Oregon Grape Root this formula supports the natural detoxification and removal of built up toxins in the liver, helping to dramatically improve liver function and its overall condition.

Liver Regeneration- Not only does this formula cleanse the liver, it also helps to rebuild damaged liver tissue with herbs like Bupleurum and Schisandra berry.

Liver Support- This formula can be used regularly for the maintenance of liver health, helping to balance liver enzyme levels, provide antioxidants for the elimination of free radicals, and supporting the liver’s natural detoxification pathways.

Gallbladder Support- This formula is highly supportive and detoxifying to the gallbladder as well with powerful herbs like Dandelion Root, Turmeric Root and Barberry Root.

Works much deeper and thoroughly with our Parapurge Parasite Detox formula
Inspired by regenerative detoxification teachings and practices these formulas have been used traditionally and historically by herbalists for conditions of all types, including eczema, rashes, acne, psoriasis, scleroderma, etc., jaundice, sluggish lymphatic congestion, hepatitis A, B, & C, sclerosis of the liver, cystitis, nephritis, obstructions of the liver, pancreas, spleen & kidneys, female and male hormonal conditions, gangrene, blood conditions (toxicity, C#nc#rs, etc.), anemia, low red blood cell count, low hemoglobin, C#nc#r, HIV (AIDS), syphilis, leprosy, gout, catarrh, hemorrhoids, poor digestion, improves absorption, fatigue, chronic fatigue, liver and gall stones, acid reflux, leucorrhea, Toxic liver, kidney and spleen conditions, Low iron levels, etc.

SYSTEMIC ACTIONS: Cleans the blood of impurities, alterative, anti-inflammatory, antiparasitic, anti-tumor, astringent, depurative, hepatic, nutritive, stimulant, expectorant, styptic, blood tonic and vulnerary.

Liver/Blood/Skin Tonic is a Detoxification Tonic consisting of Schisandra Berry, Bupleurum Root, Burdock Root, Cleavers Herb, Dandelion Root, Turmeric Root, Oregon Grape Root, Barberry Root, Yellow Dock Root, 40-50% Grain Alcohol, and Distilled Water.

All ingredients are 100% organic

**Although I am a certified community herbalist, these statements have not been evaluated by the Drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, cure or treat any disease**

Avoidance: Pregnant or nursing mothers and infants.

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